Run: Easy Previous Next


6:00 AM

4.8 mi


8:25 mi


180 lb
150 bpm


3 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map



On the tread, early. Up at about 5:45 and just went straight over there. Just had a sip of water before going out. Felt good to go at a pace that kept the heart rate in check. I took it afterward and it was right around 150, so I am not sure I should / could have gone much quicker today. But at any rate, everything was free and easy. Mostly cut it short just to get back home in time. Will really have to figure out how to get more miles in as training ramps up.

Oh yeah, I am running the Cleveland Marathon now. So that's fun.

Going to do everything I can to de-center work from my life. Focusing on running, art, and reading for now. Will perhaps start on a research project of some kind after the book comes out, but for now I just need to get some good reading under my belt. The Bible. Also have finally cut myself off from the phone for good so that should be helpful too. I am on a damn computer all day long, so I don't need the extra screen time. Plus, it sets a bad example for Leona and Mary.

I don't know why I am writing so much in my running log today, but I like it. I like having the memory of what was going on. Knowing who I was, how I felt.

I don't remember Ashland, not the one I used to know anyways. But I think the difference is me.

Over lunch I am going to do an upper-body workout with Dan Mitchell. Should be fun!
