Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:00 AM

1.9 mi


5:16 mi


6 / 10
10 / 10
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<No name>


felt freaking AMAZING so glad to be able to run hard on a smooth surface instead of grass or gravel. it just felt so much better on my legs. tryton took the lead the first lap of the tempo . he took it out kinda hard for thres pace 80 sec, but i just tucked in right behind him I wasn't about to give up on a workout 1/4 mile in so I just stuck to the back of him through 800 came through at 2:40 from there I could tell I should take the lead if we wanted to maintain pace so I did and he stuck with me through the first mile. it was really nice to have someone to run with. after the first mile I felt like I just had so much left in me I starting dropping pace. felt like I was just cruising really in my element today.
