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10:19 AM

20.3 mi


16.61 mi / hr


162 bpm
181 bpm
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The first half of this was straight into the wind. I knew it was going to be terrible but I thought what the hell the second half I should have a tail wind. It was brutal though. I almost toppled over multiple times and did once right in front of Willy's Ale room. The wind was heavy there and I had taken one hand of the bike fixing my glasses and that was enough. Over I went. The rest of it wasn't too bad, I got a few down hills that were nice and gave me a bit of break. I was pretty tired at the end of this. I really think something isn't right because I get a lot of pressure in my hips after about a half hour on the bike and that can't be good. So its not that my legs are tired, my hips are tired, and well they are fucked right now anyway. The last mile or two the wind was really bad again. Of course as soon as i am done on the bike the wind was much more mild. I got it done regardless.
