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10:26 AM

58.2 mi


15.67 mi / hr

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not sure what to say here. The first 22 miles were with Jim, thank goodness for a bit of company. We saw a random naked dude in the woods right off the side of Gore road. Very happy i was not alone running at that time. I was tired by mile 25 but decided to stick with the route I had originally chosen which was a lot of hills. That was just stupid. I definitely did not have enough food or water for this ride either. Somewhere around mile 45 or so I just broke down. I was exhausted, couldn't pull up my map because I had no phone service, I had no more water so I just sat there and cried and had a pity party for about 10minutes. Pulled myself together and said I had to make it back no matter what so lets just start. It was hell, I had never been so happy to see the Y when I got back. Put my bike in the car and almost had another melt down when i realized I still had to run 45minutes. Fuck.

Robin I miss you BTW, this all would have been a lot smoother had I been able to stare at your ass for 3:45:00 ha



yikes - new definition of bonking. You needed to find a magic tree. Way to tough it out and fight through. Will make you stronger for sure.