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5:37 PM

20.2 mi


16.56 mi / hr

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Felt much better than yesterdays ride. Legs were feeling okay, not great but they have been worse. The bike definitely feels better. The position of everything has me more comfortable and I can feel how the seat position forces me to use my hamstrings a bit more. I still am not sitting quite as far forward, it hurts too much. New seat is top priority now. I almost pull away from the handle bars and slouch a bit which is no help but it keeps me from getting jabbed by the seat but I can feel how my body wants to rock forward into the correct position. So hopefully that will help.

When I feel my quads start to get tired I realize that I have been slacking on my pulling with the hamstrings so I just check myself and pay attention and that gets better for a bit, and then I forget again and they slack. So more things to work out but hopefully it makes a difference. Really nice ride, weather was great route was nice and quiet.



Wow - seems like another sport completely to try and master. I am very impressed with you triathletes. I have a hard enough time trying to get better running. Throw in two more sports, yikes. Good job AC, keep it going!