Bike: Easy Previous Next


39.5 mi


16.12 mi / hr

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I estimated off of Robins log on time here. I did not feel the need to have to get 40 miles. Hell my first ride on my training plan starting next week is only 45:00. I think I did well. I felt like a totally different person from when we started to when we ended. Robin was great, guiding me bit with the changing of gears and letting me know to unclip we are about stop. At least I think that may have been for me, maybe that is just how she rides but she would unclip and hold her leg out, so then I followed. Unclipping I got, its the clipping, it takes me a minute.

Being outside is much different than inside, the stationary bike does not simulate well what real hills feel like. I wasn't confident enough to stand but just dropped to lowest gear and just kept spinning and I made it up. Now the going down the hills...... I was very concerned about this. I get nervous going fast and feel out of control and worry and it goes on and I thought for sure I was going to be terrified. The first hill we went down I reached the top and thought "well if I am going to try it might as well do it now while someone is here with me in case I wipe out" so I let it rip. Let me tell you that was FUCKING AWESOME!!! I wanted to turn around and ride back up just to go down again. That alone gave me a lot of confidence.

I really did get the hang of changing gears. By half way through I was flipping through them like I had been doing forever. Well that's a bit much, ha but I was doing good and really getting it down when to do it. I can't see what gear I'm in, I have to feel it out but its not that bad. The only time I had an issue was at the end I had been in the wrong front gear and was wondering why I wasn't moving well but I was beat. Probably by mile 30 my quads were toast. Not just my quads but my crotch and holy heck my neck. Wow does that get stiff.

This really was a great first ride and looking forward to many more and then kicking some ass. Robin it was a blast, we are going to have fun this summer!



hell of a first ride crosby. ur gonna be kickin ass within a week or 2 the rate ur goin...crush it! crush it all!