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1:00 PM


149.4 lb
  • Exercises


Been dropping some weight this week, wasn't expecting that so may explain the weak workouts. Worked on slow and controlled squats today, quite happy with them. Felt form and depth were very good, didn't really feel any tightness doing the squats but lower back/hip area is a little sore after as expected. Especially did a good job staying back on heels, getting a good stretch through front of hip and driving up without coming forward. For the last set of paused squats I kept tension throughout front of hip not allowing myself to sink down and round the lower back. Also felt that by going slow and staying back a lot of pressure was taken off my knees. Better than last week. Finished workout with some curtsy squats which at first hurt left knee until I really focused on using my adductor to push back to centre.

Squats - 1x5x115, 1x5x135, 1x5x145, 1x5x155, 1x5x165 (paused) 1x5x135

Walking Lunges - 4x8x35

Glute Kickbacks + Hamstring Curls + Curtsy Lunges
