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1:00 PM

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  • Exercises


Ok push day. Felt like I was losing my concentration with press but was able to still complete the 5 sets. Went for a 7th rep in last set and came really close. 3 singles at 125 were quite tough. Bench was ok although I had nothing for last set and really had to grind out last rep. Achilles not feeling the best today and left elbow is still hurting quite a bit. Tried the peck deck machine but could still feel the elbow pain.

Overhead Press - 1x5x85, 1x3x95, 1x3x105, 4x5x115, 1x6x115, 3x1x125

Pause Bench Press - 2x10x155, 1x9x155, 1x8x155

Peck Deck + Rear Delt

Tricep Extensions + Lateral Raises
