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1:00 PM


141.4 lb
  • Exercises


Workout was an improvement over last week but squats still felt really tough, just couldn't get a good push on my right side and right hip flexor/groin hindered my confidence getting deep. Could really feel the groin discomfort when doing walking lunges. The lunges were a little more balanced than what I was expecting which is good. Both knees quite achy after. Deadlifts went ok, really concentrated on pushing through the floor which helped but I wasn't entirely pleased with my set up as I felt I could have done a better job extending on my back and holding tension throughout glutes and hamstrings. Paused the first rep of squats up to 145. Barely completed the 4th rep at 155 so dropped the weight. Last set was still really tough.

Squats - 1x6x95, 1x6x115, 1x6x135, 1x6x145, 1x4x155, 1x6x135

Deadlifts - 1x5x135, 1x5x175, 1x5x205, 1x5x225, 1x5x245

Walking Lunges - 1x12x30lb DBS, 1x8x35, 1x8x40

Glute Ham Raises + Glute Kickbacks- 3 sets
