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1:00 PM


140.8 lb
  • Exercises


Training session at gym, worked on deadlifts, pull-ups, push presses

Deadlifts - corrected my form by tilting pelvis forward, slightly arching lower back, raising chest, tightening abdominal area, and looking down so all the drive was through hips and glutes, really felt it in my lower body. Worked my way up to 2 reps at 165 followed by 2 sets of 2 reps at 175, very hard

Pull-ups - Used the 25lb dumbbell with belt, did 4 sets of 4 reps, full lockout with pause at top and 4 seconds to come down.

Push Presses - not much change from when I do these on my own, did 2 sets of 4 reps at 95, still extremely hard, need to work on hip drive

Finished workout with some short reps on treadmill with 0.5% incline, wanted to do 3x400 at 12.0 and maybe 2x200 at 13.0 with 1:00-1:30 walking rest in between. Ended up doing 2x400 at 12.0 (75 seconds or 3:08 pace, closer to 77 seconds or 3:13 pace adjusted). Tried a third rep but only lasted about 280 meters.

Decided to try a couple of 200's at 12.5 (35.5 or 2:58 pace, closer to 36.5 or 3:03 pace adjusted) to finish off and was successful although this was crazy hard, breathing like a maniac, tying up big time.

I preferred upping the speed while running rather than trying to hop on at full speed.

Wore my new Kinvaras but forgot the insole, seemed to be OK, some lower inner right shin pain after.

