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1:00 PM


142.8 lb
  • Exercises


Another full body workout, still major DOMs specially hamstrings and adductors. Really focused on lifting with my glutes for sumos but weight felt quite heavy. Bench Press a bit stronger working on paused reps, got a horrible spot at 185 but think I managed the 3 reps on my own.

Sumo Deadlifts - 1x10x135, 1x5x185, 1x5x225, 1x3x245, 1x3x255, 1x3x265

Paused Bench Press - 1x5x135, 1x3x155, 1x3x165, 1x3x175 1x3x185

Angled Chin Ups - 2x8x25, 1x7x25, 1x6x25

Dips - 4x10x25 (narrow grip)

Lat Pressdowns + Tricep Pressdowns - 4 sets
