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1:30 PM

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  • Exercises


Small workout at gym including:

Pull-Up Ladder - up to 6 with 10s rest

Face Pulls - 3x12x35

Leg Raises - 3 x6 (done with face pulls)

Push Presses - 1x8x65, 1x8x75, 1x6x85

Single Leg Deadlifts - 3x8x40 (20lb dumbbells in each hand)

Did 30 minutes on elliptical after, no pain in groin although back felt a little tight

Decided to attempt a short run so warmed up for 5 minutes with brisk walking and then started a jog at 5.0mph. No initial pain but after a few minutes started feeling some soreness in adductor area, a little lower than where I have been feeling the sharp pain in the groin. Proceeded to do 5 minutes at 6.0 and the soreness seemed to be progressing slowly. Afterwards took some long steps and walked around, didn't feel any obvious pain so that is good. Hopefully the discomfort I felt running was just residual pain from the area being weakened over the last month. Need to continue strengthening the left side.

Finished week with 5:30 of cardio (4:50 bike and 0:40 elliptical)
