Run: Easy Previous Next


3:00 PM

3.3 mi


8:59 mi


Felt pretty good, legs a bit tired from yesterday and the small workout prior which consisted of:

Back Squats - 1x5x75, 1x5x95, 3x5x105 (couldn't quite touch 12 inch box at 105, some discomfort in lower left back but otherwise happy with this)

Push Press - 1x5x75, 1x5x95, 1x4x105, 1x2x115, 1x7x95 (didn't want to attempt the 3x5x105 so tried a ouple of heavy reps and exhausted myself at the end, happy with the final set)

Walking Lunges - 1x7x50, 2x7x70 (with barbell, balance a little off)

Pallof Press - 1x10x22.5, 2x10x27.5 (getting more square)

Perpendicular leg holds - 3x20 seconds
