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1:00 PM


142 lb
  • Exercises


Decided to go heavy with deadlifts. Back felt good throughout. Tried to focus on form but as the weight got heavier I got lazy and just couldn't set up properly. As a result wasn't heavy with rounded back in videoed set. The 265 rep was a really shaker but first reps at 275 were more solid. Also took more time at 275 as I think I have reached my 3x5 max, will come up with a plan for next week. Also worked on squats but I feel I need more sturdy shoes. Still coming forward a bit.

Deadlifts - 1x8x135, 1x3x225, 1x2x245, 1x1x265, 2x5x275, 1x6x275

Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 3x8x155

Squats - 3x5x85

Wide Grip Pull-Ups - 4x6x25

Cable Rows - 1x10x100, 2x8x100

Glute Ham Raises - 3x6

Lat Press downs - 3x12x50
