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12:15 PM


143.2 lb
  • Exercises


Had training session yesterday, mostly worked on isometrics again plus light squats, still felt really weak in the hole but an improvement over last week as I was able to get deeper with neutral spine. Today did bench press and was quite pleased with results, really focused on keeping everything tight, chest up, and driving through feet. Kept the narrower grip and feel I am getting stronger in this position. Last 2 reps were really tough but not any tougher than last week.

Bench Press - 1x5x135, 1x3x155, 1x2x165, 1x1x175, 3x5x180

Paused Bench Press - 1x3x135, 1x3x155, 1x3x165, 1x2x175

Close Grip Bench Press - 1x8x135, 1x7x135, 1x6x135

Incline DB Flys - 3x8x40

Tricep Rope Pushdowns - 3 sets

L-Sit Pull-Ups - 3 sets

Skullcrushers - 2 sets (elbow was pinching)
