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1:00 PM


143.4 lb
  • Exercises


Updating this entry on the 18th. Plan for the workout was to really focus on deadlifts, leading with my chest and making sure my hip:knee angle didn't open until my chest:hip angle opened. Warmed up with hip thrusts and felt pretty good but in the first set of deadlifts could immediately feel tightness in my back around left SI joint. Continued with workout and was actually very pleased with my deadlifts. Had some shaky legs at 265 but felt I did a good job keeping my hips back and down. By the evening my back was in a world of pain and it hasn't really gotten much better since. Pelvis was totally out of alignment so I have been working on that. Hurts the most in the morning and when sitting, walking isn't so bad. Made some improvement on push press starting in front rack position

Hip Thrusts - 3x12x135

Deadlifts - 1x8x135, 1x5x185, 1x3x225, 1x1x235, 1x1x245, 1x1x255, 1x1x265

Front Squats - 1x5x95, 1x5x105, 3x3x115

Push Press - 1x3x95, 1x3x105, 1x3x110, 1x2x115, 1x1x120
