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11:00 AM

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  • Exercises


Bench Press - 4x8x145 (1st set hard, 2nd and 3rd somewhat easier, 4th had to pause after 6 and 7, decided to do the 4th after not killing myself during the 3rd)

Wide Grip Pull-Ups - 3x8 (3rd set very hard, arms so tired)

Face Pulls - 3x12x35 (did these with pull-ups)

Rack Pulls - 1x5x135, 1x5x155, 1x5x165, 1x5x175 (kept going up as it was feeling pretty comfortable, 165 and 175 though were getting pretty hard, especially 4th and 5th reps, had to work hard to maintain core)

Leg Raises - 3x8

Single Leg Squats - 3x5 (off the side of 18 inch box, a little wobbly and didn't get too low but groin was ok)

Did 40 minutes on elliptical after running at 7/5, felt pretty good. Finished with 3.81 miles, 185 cadence, heart rate in mid 130's
