Run: Easy Previous Next


12:16 PM

6.3 mi


8:10 mi


140 lb
168 bpm
227 bpm


0 C
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Queen's Quay


Quite windy coming from the west, last couple of kms were messed up so I had to add an extra 515m. Foot felt similar to yesterday, not too bad, right hamstring still a bit tight. Ran to gym and did a bit of a workout including:

goblet squats - tried 20kg in each hand but only managed 5 and 4 reps, not happy with form

pull-up ladder - failed on 5,4,3 on way down

step-ups onto 24 inch box with 14lb kettle bell - 3x6

push-press - 65lbs and 75lbs felt ok but 85lbs was hell, could only manage 4 reps before finishing with 6 reps at 75lbs

rack pull - did 1x5x115, 1x5x135 and 1x5x155 - felt pretty good, probably couldn't have gone much heavier though

1 minute farmer's walk with 24kg kettlebells
