Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:55 AM

13.1 mi


9:27 mi


152 bpm
169 bpm


57 F


8 / 10
10 / 10
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St. Michael's Running Festival Half Marathon. Used it as a training run which included a 2-mile warm-up before hand to take some wind/speed out of my legs then tried to maintain a 9:05 pace through the first 10k before dropping back to least that was the plan. Didn't quite work out that way, but wasn't a bust either. I did use the run to work on eating along the way using 2 of the water stops to also consume some Goo. Walked during the second stop as I couldn't manage to hold the goo, water while opening, drinking and running at the same time. This was reflected in the 10:40 interval between miles during that same mile, there was a medical emergency on the course which had all of us distracted. Did manage to kink it in then after for the remaining two miles with a strong finish. All in all, it was a great day running and learned a lot along the way. The bonus was that even without racing, I managed to finish just a few seconds short of my PR. Hadn't planned on being that close so I'm taking it as a good sign!!
