Run: Hill Previous Next


7:30 AM

9.6 mi


10:25 mi


8 F


8 / 10
9 / 10


Great run. Winnie and I in the 9 degree cold. The stars were out it was crystal clear. We ran in the snow for about 6 miles. It was poor footing so I feel good about the pace. Had to turn around because it just got kind of ridiculous cutting trail like that. We came back down to Alice May's and then ran up to the top of Mountain Rd. That portion was probably a bit faster. It was a very nice run. It was the last hard run till race day. From now on I am taking it easy. I'll keep up the tempo but am only going to run 20 miles or so next week and maybe 10 the week of the race. Just keep the legs moving but let them heal up good. Currently my quads are trashed from all the downhill. It's good though. I am ready for this race.
