Run: Easy Previous Next


7:15 AM

10 mi


10:00 mi


7 / 10
9 / 10
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It was dark and there was about 2 to 3 inches of fresh untracked snow. Good conversation, no intensity at all. It was purely a leg stretcher at about a minute slower than my goal race pace for a 50. I am feeling really questionabale about this taper. Pschologically it is messing with me. I feel out of shape. I cut my miles so drastically that it is really weird not to be running so hard and so long. I am tempted to run today but I think I will just wait till tomorrow and do a 7 mile run with some intervals thrown in to keep the intesity up. Then one day on the plane and then another 6 to 7 mile run on Wednesday and then two days until the race. That has been the plan all along. I am going to stick with it. If I change plans now, one week out, it could be dertimental. My legs still look really strong and the running this last week has been really easy. I am going to smoke this 50!
