Run: Long Previous Next


11:40 AM

18.5 mi


12:01 mi


166 lb
136 bpm
170 bpm
53 bpm


37 F


10 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

Vista Peak


Epic Run! This was a tough, tough run. I was sore and tired after this run and usually I am not sore and tired after a training run. This one worked me. Winnie and I set off in 42 degree weather and as soon as we started climbing it started snowing. A wet snow. The higher we got up the mountain the more it snowed. Once we were almost to the top of Blacktail I had to put my Marmot Jacket and gloves on, I wore them the rest of the run (it was probably 32 degrees plus wind on top). On the ridge the wind was pushing hard and the snow was sideways. We managed to follow the ridge back to Vista (my first time here) but when we started to climb Vista it got really steep and slippery. With the snow, scree and shale it was too much work. I made it to the first band of cliffs and decided to call it. There was no view anyway. I bet we were about 100' from the top. I used every muscle I have on this run. Sidehill, steep climbs, steep descents, steep traverse, poor footing, fast trail in the woods. I did it all.


Nathan pack old gloves thick socks Cascadias (mesh got wet, cold feet, not bad)

Marmot Jacket jess's headband tights (got wet and wanted to fall down)

Wish I had worn:

wind proof underwear

better headband (warmer with sweat transfer)

better tights

GTX shoes
