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50 km


12:38 mi


72 F

Race Result

18 / 25 (72%)
6 / 11 (54.5%)
  • Map


I am ok for the first 2 loops on this course two years in a row, then I fall apart. Consider the 25k next year! THis year I had right side abdomen pain (similar to biking) and nausea similar to Celebration marathon a few weeks prior. Checking with Dr to see if this is due to increased medication dosage?

Wore asics white shirt and race shorts. tarted with hydration pack and hand held. Next time, suggest hydration pack with chest bottles with electrolyte drink instead of hand held. Take handheld as a back up. Pack salt tabs and take one per loop

loop 1 - 1:19:50 (1019)

loop 2 - 1:26:23 (1109)

loop 3 - 1:46:22 (1344)

loop 4 - 1:59:46 (1528)

1 935

2 924

3 1001

4 951

5 1011

6 1142

7 1040

8 1225 - drop zone / pee

9 1000

10 1133

11 1137

12 1020

13 1132

14 1054

15 1121 - pee

16 1223 - drop zone

17 1017

18 1400

19 1248

20 1322

21 1324

22 1639

23 1603

24 1714 - drop zone

25 1359

26 1719

27 1440

28 1641

29 1805

30 1331

31 1034 (.95)
