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4:08 PM

20.2 mi


9:50 mi

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Riverlands 100 relay sort of.

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Our team DNFd because our leg 3 runner was injured and could not complete her loop.

I got the news on my way there. Would have done 40.

Was not allowed since she had already started and managed to get to the 10 mile check point.

We also had Chris ready to tag in early there. But those are the rules.

So we were allowed to run and used the aid stations anyway.

Chris (leg 4) and I started together. I felt really good and cranked out the first 10. Met Michelle and Richard at the 10 mile aid stations and she was finishing up her volunteer shift. She decided to run back with me .

That was a blast. Worked out perfectly.

Great race. Tough course. Not aggie tough but way more hills than I thought. That was no,problem though. They were fun. The single track for me once on the way back and I cut my knee on that fall. Its fine though. Almost had a much worse fall on the way out. Have no idea how I kept myself up on that one but it would have been bad. I was moving fast on a down section.

Anyway can't wait to go back next year.



That sucks but great run. Perfect day for it.

Greg C

Banditing a race you're actually signed up for. Interesting. Nice work.