Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:15 AM

6.2 mi


7:22 mi


133.6 lb
46 bpm


33 F
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Nice morning for a run, 33 degrees, no wind, cloudy, dry ground, no frost or ice on the ground so not slippery. Ran into Puck and we ran together for a few blocks. My legs are still feeling Sunday's long run slightly, but amazingly, not bad at all. Slight shin splints this morning, but not a real issue. This 10K loop is a killer workout with all the big hills. Started 15 minute late today and had to deal with lots of traffic-caused road dust and diesel fumes. Need to get out there sooner. Fastest time I've done this run so far, though I wasn't in a hurry. Running effort was a little harder than easy since I pushed slightly on all the hills, both up and down, so I'm calling it a tempo run for now.

Copied the splits from Garmin Training Center on 3/8/2014.
