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8:07 AM

5 km


6:34 mi


136.8 lb
45 bpm


Easy-progression 5K, before work, indoor track. Walked three laps to warm-up a bit before running. Started off very easy and relaxed, goal was to stay as relaxed as possible and keep breath below a noticeable working threshold. Was breathing moderately by mile 2, a bit more than planned. Held the effort and picked up slightly for final 3 laps. Lungs are still dry and irritated from being sick over the weekend so were burning some at the end.

Good workout; good work! Moderately easy 5k pace continues to improve. Walking warm-up probably helped that first mile pace as opposed to starting cold.

Splits: 6:40.82, 6:36.44, 6:27.93, 0:36.34 = 20:21.53
