Run: Interval Previous Next


5:24 PM

1.8 mi


6:07 mi


131.3 lb
47 bpm
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Wasn't planning to run sub-6 on the first mile, but hit 3:06 on first half so just went for it. walked 200, sprinted 200, walked 200, sprinted 200 after the mile. Could not jog back to the Rec center due to left calf threatening to cramp up, like it's been doing all year after a hard workout. This workout went deep into lactic burn, which I have somehow been avoiding all year in all my workouts, including all interval sessions. This was the real deal, which is why I had to stop after only 1.25 miles. The extra 200's tacked on with only a short walk break were tough and left me gasping uncomfortably for air after the running was over. Need to do more like that. If it doesn't kill me, it will make me stronger . . .

5:34 pace for 1.25 miles. Plus .5 warmup. Short, sweet and to the point. Also cut it short due to the thunderstorm rolling in from the SSW.
