Bike: Easy Previous Next


5:15 PM

36 mi


97 F


Biked 36, 2:02, nice hot ride, temp was 97-92. Felt pretty good over-all, no problems w/left knee. I also walk-jogged 10k in the morning. I was TOAST after this ride plus dinner; it was a bit scarey how exhausted I ws. I went to bed and didn't get p again, but was short of breath all evening and some of the night. Did no take Ambien, 2nd time in recent history that I skipped the sleeping pill I was so exhausted it didn't matter. I did sleep some, I can't tell how much I sleep these days because dreams and laying there awake are nearly indistinguishable to me. I have to rely on clues that it is or was a dream because my perception is that I am awake and lucid almost all of the time in bed.
