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11:12 AM

11.4 mi


11:44 mi


135 lb
  • Map



That pace doesn't seem right. I was running faster than an 11:44 mile for most of that run and I'm wondering if it's possible I could have forgotten my time in the 20 minutes since I got off the treadmill. Maybe.

Anyway, that definitely did not feel as good as last week's run. But better than the week before that. I drank two mugs of coffee this morning and 2 full caffinated Propel during the run. So no more caffeine for Becky. I also took 2 IB before and 2 IB after.

This morning I ate 3 OTG bars for breakfast but last night skipped dinner for the most part. It was kind of crazy at work and I had a good breakfast and lunch. But then we did Halloween stuff with the kids and I had icecream in the afternoon and more than a few peanut M&M's in the evening. A healthier dinner might have helped today's run.

But only one more increased long run before I can begin to taper. Next week's goal is 12 miles. Then 10 miles the week after that and 90 minutes the following week. Hopefully that will be good for race day.
