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12:45 PM

10.2 mi


11:32 mi


Ohmigosh....I hurt everywhere. Those last 0.2 took FOREVER. Anyway, I had a sharp pain in my right knee walking back to the condo but it disappeared after a few stretches. I took 4IB to reduce any inflammation.

No pronounced aching during the run itself (a little here and there but nothing that lasted). I'm not sure this run was particularly well-fueled. I was at work until 10:00pm last night eating pb Whopper and Goobers. This morning I got up at 9:00 and had 2 cups of coffee, poptarts, and a granola bar. Around 11:00 or so I had a lowfat yogurt with Oreo cookies. About 800 calories total. I also downed 24 oz. of G2 worth 80 calories during the run. I've got high sodium noodles cooking now.
