Run: Tempo (tr) Previous Next


3:18 PM

7.9 mi


7:37 mi


167 lb
162 bpm
183 bpm


8 / 10
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Let me start by saying I missed the last 2 days because of a massive snowstorm out of nowhere. I think we got at least 15 inches. Anyways, this was really tough. I definitely pushed too hard for a tempo, but I think that's ok to do from time to time since I race so little and I've been slacking off so much due to sickness, snow and work. 6 miles hard in the middle started at 8 and went up .1 every mile so the last mile was 8.5 which is 7:03. Several times I thought about the possibility of giving up but I pushed through. You can tell by my HR that I was pushing really hard at the end. It's possibly I might not be feeling 100% either, plus I'm heavy, plus I've been missing too many days. Man am I full of excuses!
