Run: Interval Previous Next


4:35 PM

5.6 mi


7:52 mi


162.4 lb
157 bpm
177 bpm


66 F


6 / 10
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Another beautiful day. Actually this whole week is like that. I was supposed to go for a longer interval workout but I just could not carve out the time so I had to sneak it in before I had to leave for Sadie's Back to School night. I still did all the quality work but just with abbreviated warm up and cool down. I was happy with how I did because I was definitely feeling all meh because it was an afternoon run and I had a few too many hershey treats for afternoon snack. But I pushed through it and was able to go pretty hard. The highlight was the 4th one. I was running by Montgomery park and there happened to be a middle school XC meet going on. so I was running along the road with a bunch of middle school girls who were of course running faster than me. But once my interval started I was able to keep up for a bit. I was remembering Abby's brief stint and it was making me happy. Of course once I left the park, I realized I was going at 6:20 pace. Whoops! Got a bit carried away :) But there was a nice downhill there as well. Anyways, this was nice.

Training Plan Entry


9 mi

w/5x1000m @ 5K pace; jog 2 min between
