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7.2 mi


8:12 mi

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<No name>


At the SBHS Track. This run kicked my butt big time. It was hotter than I realized. It got up to 90 by the end and fairly humid. I had ridiculous expectations. 4 x 1200s w 400 RI I thought I was going to do them in about 5 min. HA. The first one was tough at 5:08 and then it just went downhill from there. 5:27, 5:35 and 5:32. I was actually supposed to do a 5th but I was so tired by the end I couldn't. I knew this was a tough work out because I had a hard time even with the cool down back to the office. Good for the soul! I was down to 166 on the gym scales, mostly from all the water I lost!
