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11:54 AM

7.8 mi


7:55 mi


164.2 lb
155 bpm
171 bpm


74 F


6 / 10
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7.81 Willow Hillsborough Woods

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0% Chance of rain :)

That's what had for their hourly forecast. Not 10 or 20 but 0%

So it poured like crazy about half the time. For the other half it was just steady rain. One of my top 5 rainiest runs for sure. Also top 5 closest/loudest thunder claps.

The run itself went quite well. I liked the rain actually because it cooled things down. My legs started out not so good but half way through they felt fine. I was going based on effort and HR rather than pace and I did what I wanted. Not too bad pace considering how heavy my shoes were :)

I was supposed to run earlier this week, but it just hasn't been happening. Part of it is real excuses, part of it is just me being a wimp. But I'm giving myself a break here. It's been tough recently. With this next week's trip I'm going to have to continue to juggle my running schedule and make the best out of it.

When I return starting in September I am really going to try to not miss any more runs. But you know how plans are.
