Run: Easy Previous Next


7:51 AM

7.1 mi


8:26 mi


160.3 lb
152 bpm
171 bpm


32 F


6 / 10
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I had planned to go farther today, like around 10 - 11 but once I got out there, I knew it wasn't going to happen. I'm obviously still sick. It didn't help that the tow path was still a bit soggy so I felt like I was running on the beach half the time. A lot of times I ignore how I'm feeling and do what is planned, but I'm glad I cut it short because I was hurting near the end of this short run with a relatively easy pace. Looking forward to being fully recovered from this stupid cold. Next week I'm starting my Pfitz schedule for my half so I want to go into that at 100%.



Nice quality run. Don't drive yourself crazy if you are still a bit ill. Those are some pretty quick times considering how low your HR was. You were 5 miles deep (while sick) before you cracked 160. Your fitness level is looking solid!


Nice work Dimitri. I also need to learn that when things don't go according to plan, I shouldn't stress out about having to change the schedule. I also need to start wearing my HRM. How does your watch behave on the treadmill when it doesn't collect any distance data, but you want to capture your HR?