Run: Easy Previous Next


8:02 PM

3.5 mi


7:27 mi


93 F


7 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map


Tonight was a little surprising. I got home after work and felt lethargic and wanted to give moving except a ate some more food and didnt knpw how it would respond running outside in the heat and humidity. Knowing i want to strt increasing my mileage more. I opted to go running on the trails near work just before it got dark. the miles were peaceful and a little tough about halfway as i was hot as crap. I got a good sweat in and actually felt a lot better when i was done.

7:32, 7:26, 7:22, 3:38

This was meant to be a shake-out type of run like we use to do in the mornings during college.
