Run: Easy Previous Next


10:00 AM

13 mi


8:03 mi


52 F


7 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map



This run was done in gloomy/partly coudy sky's with about 13 mph winds. It wasnt super cold ut a bit chilly since the wind was whipping. I was super sore and it felt really akward to run at the start. First mile was 8:42 and that didnt even feel easy or comfortable. I was expecting to make it a couple miles at most but never 13. That just kind of happened as i just kept going and going. My hoodie got so heavy that i ditched it at mile 7.5. I was chilly after that since my shirt was soaked and the wind hit me but there were some waves of the sun shining through that helped. I did run the last 5 or 6 miles under 8 minutes which was a pleasant sight.

8:42, 8:22, 8:05, 8:10, 8:01, 8:08, 7:59, 8:01, 7:51, 7:51, 7:44, 7:54, 7:40
