Bike: Easy Previous Next


4:00 PM

18 mi


25.08 mi / hr


7 / 10
4 / 10
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This ride was solid considering how bad i felt today from the excessive drinking yesterday and last night with litt,le to no water after 6pm. So dumb. I woke yup super nauceus and could not even walk. In fact i actually had to walk to JR and Elly's house to get my car which i am glad it wasnt super hot and sunny yet. Thst 2+ mile walk could have been much worse. I honestly didnt expect much from this ride except to attempt to sweat out some of the toxins. Between walking to get my car, i also made it around to washing and waxing my car and doing this 18 mile ride.

Those are all wins. I dont want to drink ever again though. ha
