Yoga: Ashtanga Previous Next




201 lb


Week 6, Day 6

Everything felt pretty fine, except revolved triangle - and only on the left. I could not stop falling over. As soon as my right hand would touch the block I would start falling over. Rather than blow a gasket over it, I just tried 5-6 times (to represent the time of 5 breaths) and moved on with my day. Everything after was good - even all the "balance" postures.

I think in the back of my mind, I was going to move on to Week 7 today, but I forgot to print the PDF of the new poses, so I guess I'll just do Week 6 for the rest of the week. It definitely won't hurt to have more practice on the practice. Hurr, durr. Don't worry, I ain't quitting my day job.

Oh yeah, my feet are getting flat on the ground for a bunch of the downward dogs. Hell yeah, boi!
