Bike: Easy Previous Next


8:19 AM

20 mi


14.41 mi / hr


Trek DS 8.1


229 lb
138 bpm
156 bpm


78 F
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Walnut Creek Linear Trail

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I usually start out like a flash, but today I eased in with a 3-4 mile warmup before I hit the gas or charged hills. Felt like it made a difference. Keeping on keeping on.

Also, had a front flat this morning before i left. Pulled a thorn out of the tire and pumped it up - seemed fine through the ride, but maybe it's a slow leak. I also raised the seat a 1/4 - 1/2 inch as the front of my knees were a little sore. Also, loosened the tension on the left pedal. Of course, when I pulled into the driveway, I got my left foot unclipped just fine. But then forgot what I was doing and fell into the fucking bushes trying to get my right foot out. FUCK! That makes three times - hopefully the third times the charm.

Heading to San Marcos to get Annie tomorrow - so it's likely a rest day - or a short easy.
