Kettlebell: Simple&Sinister Previous Next


7:30 PM



228 lb
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<No name>


Session: 1

10x10 OHS @ 12KG (9:00)

2 minute rest

2x1 TGU @ 12KG (11:28)

2 minute rest

1 ladder of 1-2-3-2-1 Presses (1:45)

Swings had about 1 minute between sets.

TGUs had about 15 long, slow breaths between sets.

Easier than last one, but not easy.

Anyone that says kettlebell swings ain't cardio, hasn't swung kettlebells. To me it feels like an easy jog during the set, but like I finished a tempo run in between. Yes, I'm also severely out of shape, so there's that. Onward and upward.

Also to note: I've lost 12 pounds in 26 days. Only 3 more pounds before I move from to an Obese Fat Fuck to just an Overweight Fat Fuck. Onward and downward.
