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10 mi


7:12 mi

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Failed LR


Janice and I met Jrt and Allison at Ihop for breakfast! After breakfast we went to an "Apple Orchard" only to find there were no apples on the trees!! WTH!?

I ended up getting out the door at 6pm. I don't think I've ever looked like such a goober. I wore a red RPI hat with my headlamp, compression socks, green half tights, and my neon yellow game day shirt underneath my reflective vest. I felt pretty good for the first half hour. I felt something coming around 40 minutes, but was able to make it back to my place after 60 mins. It was an extremely efficient bathroom break. I dropped off about 5 pancakes and 4 apple cider donuts in a matter of seconds.

I went back out to finish up the last half hour of the run and my stomach was feeling great. Unfortunately after about a mile my achilles really started to hurt. I continued for another couple minutes before stopping and stretching. That didn't help at all, so I decided to call it a day and hobbled my way home.

Still a very productive week even if I didn't nail the long run. This phase of the training plan is over, although I really need to fix the achilles before doing anything else.

Mileage goal: 60

Reality: 57.4 :(

Phase 1 of the training plan:

23/28 scheduled runs.

4 skipped days

1 failed attempt

176.5 / 206 miles
