Run: Pre-Meet Previous Next


3:20 PM

2.7 mi


7:32 mi


Today the sisterhood took on pre-meet. It was an afternoon run and everyone was in such a good mood and it made for a HILARIOUS run. We started off with the usual 800m walk on the indoor track of course, Mike Stanley took the splits for Nataliekins and I...we totally PRed in the 800m walk. THEN we were off to the streets as Mahesh would say. My sisters and I were heading toward the riverwalk and I told everyone that "Allie only talks in Spanish to me in the bedroom" and then Alexis pointed out that we had passed the camera for the football thing when I said that..lmao off to a great start. AND THEN the sisterhood made it to downtown where Nataliekind preceded to say "Hi brother" to a strange man standing outside of peanuts. He was very confused, his reaction was PRICELESS. Alliepad doubled over laughing and caused a traffic jam. The sisterhood ventured onto the Riverwalk finally and some old ladies told us to move Nataliekins said "you too" and we ran away. I laughed so much I wasn't sure I could go on. 10/10 pre-meet experience.


Allie Ganser

I can't believe the old ladies tried to catch us. Thank goodness we took a detour after that.