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2:00 PM

4.8 mi


10:07 mi




123 lb
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So hidden in all of that crap was a 7:54 and then an 8:30ish mile, but you wouldn't know it from looking at the eventual times and distances. Mile one was fantastic, mile two was an attempt to hang on, and mile 3 was just one huge dizzy battle not to hurl or pass out, whichever was looming near in my future. Oh well. I guess I couldn't expect a repeat of yesterday's run, especially seeing as I hadn't exactly done anything to recover from it (namely, eat). Running a 7:54 didn't help either, but it was a rewarding mile, nonetheless. So I guess the entire run wasn't scrap. Just 2.75 miles of it. And unfortunately the bathrooms were locked, so I had to throw up in a trash can instead. I hate doing that.

After that, I went to the trainer, where we learned I have fantastic flexibility, very good balance, very good quad strength, no upper body strength to speak of, and I run like an elephant. Lovely. That's a great combination. For yoga.
