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8:10 AM

8 mi


8:37 mi


130 lb


38 F


WARNING: Entry may contain more info than you really cared to think about. Just saying.

Oh God, I need iron. I need iron very badly. I want another infusion. Like, tomorrow. I don't care how many times I pass out.

I'm going to completely suck on Tuesday. This is super not fair. Oh man.

So anyway. My mom woke me up at 8 and told me the itinerary for the day. According to her, I had to go for my run right then or at 4. So I chose right then. 10 minutes later I was out the door. Which was mistake number one.

No, I take that back, being born a female was mistake number one. I hate my mom even more. Like, okay, once the iron's gone, it's gone. And there's nothing to be done about it, except replace it. Geez, I REALLY want another infusion.

Okay, so mistake number three: running the first two miles in 14:05. Yeah, it was pretty cool at the time, but it stopped being cool around like mile 5 when I was seriously considering going into the nearest house and being like "Can I use your phone and call my mom to come pick me up before I fall asleep standing up?"

I was just soooo tired. I mean, my pace was sort of okay, but I felt like I was just going to die. And my legs were just burning and burning...stupid lactic acid. Which means not enough oxygen. Which is a result of no iron. GRRRRRRRRRR.

And so ends a pretty freaking awesome month of running. This is so frustrating.

Well, at least now I know that iron pills aren't going to cut it and I need a new infusion every month for the rest of my life.
