Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

6 mi


8:21 mi


63 F


That was a good run. Was going to get up at 7 and do it, but instead got up at 7:45 and waited until 8-ish. But I didn't have to work until 10:45 today, so I figured it'd be okay.

But today was an awesome run. I didn't run yesterday because I ate at 11:30 AM, and by 5:00 my food still wasn't digested, and then I felt bloated and gassy, so I was like, forget this and went to bed. I slept a lot yesterday. But I guess it paid off today in a good run. I'm pretty proud of it. Good way to start off the day.

Now I just need to add four more miles of that and I'll be ready for the 10-miler in August. But it'll be easier then. It's always easier when you have people cheering for you. It's always harder when you're the only one who cares whether you succeed or not. I think that's why it's easier to run under a coach. They're there to encourage you when you don't feel motivated, and to tell you it's okay when you're too hard on yourself (which, for me, is quite often). It's a lot harder when you don't have that.

Or maybe it's just me.
