Run: Easy Previous Next


11:30 PM

2.4 mi


8:16 mi


140 lb
  • Map



So today when I was walking home from Jason's, I walked along the bike path. And being the day after St. Patrick's Day, and being that Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville are like, the running capitals of the US (in my mind), there was of course a race. It was a 5K, and I had to pass the finish line to get to the T. So everyone is walking around with their finishers medals and free t-shirts, and I just wanted to cry. Because I should have been there. I should have checked the websites and searched for a race to run. I should still be doing this. I should still be running. I just felt so viciously jealous of all the people who still had their health, of all the people who could actually eat enough to fuel their running obsession, and the entire way home (they were all getting on the T at the same time I was, so I surrounded by their post-race banter), all I wanted to do was just scream, and then curl up in the fetal position, because it was torture. Looking at all the runners was like looking at a long-forgotten mirror of myself. A much skinnier one, at that.

So. I'm going to get my fat butt in shape again. It may be hard, but I'm going to make time to make it happen. 30 minutes a day is all I'm going to ask from myself to start with, because most days, that's all I have (if that). So I'm going to keep it realistic, and try not to overexert myself. I might try to eat a little bit more, although I'm going to cut extraneous calories, because I want to lose ten pounds or so. I want to be back to lean, mean, running machine Tina. Which is going to be pretty hard to do. But with the weather starting to get nicer and daylights savings time ended, I'll have longer, nicer days to run.

So let it begin. Make it rain.

So today: ran an easy 20 minutes on the treadmill, then went upstairs to the weight room where I did 3 sets of 25 crunches and 10 pushups each. Then I did 10 bicep curls on each arm with a 10-pound weight, 10 tricep thrusts (the sit with your arms up over your shoulders behind you and lift the weight vertically along your spine and over your head thing) with a 10-lb, and then 10 lats with 5 pounds on each hand. Which is pretty pathetic. But I didn't have much time. And I'm tired. And I'm still getting over being sick. So yeah.

Goodnight, and say hello to "I want to stop being a fat-ass" Tina. It has to happen. It just does.
