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2:30 PM

5.8 mi


9:46 mi


128 lb


47 F
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So here begins my ultramarathon career. That's right, freakin ULTRA marathon. I won't run one this year, probably not next year, or maybe not even the year after that, but before I die I'm running ULTRA marathons. Because they're just that much more super splediferous and ultra-fied. Besides, it's looking like I'm just going to have to run long and slow from here on out because my body decided that it wanted me to be fat and have kids more than it wanted me to break records. So whatever. My body didn't consult me first. What a bizotch. Anyway. So.

Goal #1: To give this anemia crap a swift kick in the arse and get back to not feeling like I'm going to die after like 2 miles. Because that's always nice. Like today, I ran a 9:25, a 9:58, a 9:30, a 10:08, a 10:01, and then a 7:10 for the .76 miles, which is over a ten-minute pace. And the worst part about it was, I felt like I was running harder for the ten minute miles than for the ones under 10. Like, I made a concious effort to pick up the pace and use my arms, but no, i just kept getting slower and slower because my body hates me. Like, worker harder and running slower seems to be a trend recently. That's gotta stop. I demand RESULTS from myself this time.

Goal #2: Run a marathon next March in 4:40. Perhaps. The time is subject to change depending on how injured I get or how fat I become in this attempt. Hopefully neither will happen, but I have a tendency to just keep getting fatter and fatter and not be able to lose weight, so yeah. Whatever.

Goal #3: Not get injured again and again and again. I'm tired of this crap, and I know it's inevitable, but just for a few months, I'd like to know what it's like to run without being injured. It's always nice. And I'd like to not have to take ibuprofen for my marathon in March, just because. Even though that's like a death wish. But whatever.

Wooooo so today my mileage exceeded the cost of my shoes!! So now I'm paying less than a dollar for every mile I run. Yippeee! Okay, I think that's about it. I have no idea what I'm doing or how I'm going to go about doing whatever I don't know what I'm doing, but somehow, I am going to run a marathon. Oh, and I think I figured it out: if XC is hell, then I guess marathoning is heaven, so I guess that means I died. Woo.
