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2:30 PM

5.8 mi


8:36 mi


130 lb


32 F
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People are afraid to run hard. They're afraid to make a move.

Or maybe it's just because I only have two speeds: try hard or 11:00-minute miles. Anything inbetween just feels uncomfortable. So I need to work on my easy/moderate pace. Because I was fully prepared to run that 6 miles as hard as I possibly could. Because that's how I've trained for the last three months. It's going to be a big adjustment. I haven't run with a team for an entire season, like, FOR REAL, since XC 2005.

But it's going to be a kickass season indeed.

Hmmm. So something tells me I probably shouldn't have run that hard two days after running a marathon. But I want my spot back. There is no time to waste.

But it felt good to stretch my legs out, and it felt good to run hard again. Even though it wasn't that hard, but comparatively it was. It felt so short lol. And that's probably the farthest some people have run in like, a month. Oh my. And when we walked across the field to do sprints, I was like, well, I just won't do these, because I shouldn't, but I couldn't help myself, so I did. And they were fun. And I BEAT people!!! Which is like, a first. Because I do not sprint. It was exciting.

I just like the feel of crossing the finish line before someone else with them right on your heels, and knowing you beat them. It does a lot for your confidence.
