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6:00 PM


128 lb
  • Exercises


Pretty much the last day with Sarah, because I start physical therapy next week. I was really really tired, so we didn't do a whole lot, just 10 minutes warmup on the elliptical, stretching, crunches, oblique crunches, some balance stuff, and some more stretching, the second round of stretching particularly painful compared to the first. I was just having a really bad day, so she let me go early, after telling me not to get discouraged and that I least I got a rad six pack and some guns out of the deal. She also told me that since they ordered a new punching bag, so next week when I come in for therapy she'll let me use her boxing gloves and test it out for them, since I have no way to really get rid of any stress. I thought that sounded like a pretty good idea. I could really go for punching something right now. If running were a person, I think I would probably give him/her a few good bruises right now. Just for payback.
